
Latest Past Events

7th ICRMMS-Contemporary Approaches

bangkok, Thailand

7th International Conference on Research Methods in Management and Social Sciences-Contemporary Approaches In-Person and Online Presentations The 7th ICRMMSS will be held in Bangkok, Thailand’s capital, a large city known for ornate shrines and vibrant street life. Major tourist attractions are historical or religious sites like dazzling temples, spectacular palaces, a world-famous floating market, colorful […]


Grand ABE Hotel, Jayapura Papua, Indonesia Grand Abe Hotel, Jayapura, Papua

6th International Conference on Research Methods in Management and Social Sciences will be hosted by Cendrawasih University Jayapura Papua and will be held at Hotel Grand ABE Jayapura Papua, Indonesia. Conference aims to provide a platform to scholars, academicians, practitioners, and business managers to share their valuable knowledge and experience with each other. Objective of […]